PrePhalt is a high quality pellet especially designed for coloring asphalt. PrePhalt® V red (with EVA as a polymer) has been on the European asphalt market for many years now and a multiplicity of 100.000 tons of red asphalt are produced with our pellets! Finally a color pellet, easy to use and especially made for asphalt, avoiding the usual problems, such as dusty and messy plants, manual dosage and time lost because of small quantity production!
Below you find the main advantages of PrePhalt® V Red for your asphalt production:
- PrePhalt® is 100 % dust-free. NO DUST instead of low dust! No more dusty and messy factory sites and dirty clothes!
- PrePhalt® is 100% waterproof. NO PANIC and NO ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS in case of spilling our PrePhalt®on the floor, as it is easy to clean up by using a simple shovel ánd it is reusable, even after being spilled on the floor! No waste and PrePhalt®V red leaves no stains on the floor. • PrePhalt®can be dosed automatically; there is no need for hiring extra personnel for the production of your colored asphalt! Imagine your savings. Even production of small quantities will be easy and can be done at any time of the day!
- PrePhalt®can be added to your mixture not only by air (e.g. the Flomac dosage system) but also by a simple screw technique!
- The color strength of PrePhalt®is much better than that of powder pigment, because PrePhalt®is pre-dispersed during production.
- 1% PrePhalt®compares to 1,5% powder pigment in clear bitumen.
- 3% PrePhalt®compares to 5 % powder pigment in black bitumen! Consider your savings here!
- The EVA polymer in PrePhalt®gives your asphalt mixture extra strength and stability and a more dense and brighter top surface!
- PrePhalt®V red comes in silo truck, big bags or low melt bags; to your every wish!
- PrePhalt®is especially made for road construction, produced in co-operation with the asphalt industry. It is definitely not a plastic industry masterbatch.
We are convinced that in the near future additives such as color, cellulose and polymers in asphalt will be processed without the need of extra personnel. In fact, the difference between the production of ordinary asphalt and special mixtures (e.g. colored asphalt) will diminish. This will ask the utmost of raw material additives, leading to a giant leap forward compared to the present situation!